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Who do I think I am? Wonder Woman????

Posted by Jennifer Turner on

I get the same comment time after time. What is that comment? "How do you keep up with all that you do?"  I usually respond with, " Well, I'm always busy" or " the grass doesn't grown under my feet!".  Truth be told I wish life could slow down a little.  I'm one who enjoys being productive and at the end of the day looking at what all I got done with a sense of accomplishment.  Sometimes I amaze myself! But then there are other days that I'm running from chore to chore that it makes me feel anxious, almost panicked. I don't like that at all.  I'm trying to learn to let go of the feeling that I have to be in control of everything. I thought at my age that I would have it all figured out!  Unfortunately I have a ways to go.  

It hit me the other day when my father told me that I work to hard that maybe I do work to hard.  But what do I give up? I love to garden, and enjoy cutting the grass, harvesting veggies, and yes, even weeding (creates order :-0).  I love to cook, and eating good foods. I love to paint and make things out of wood.  I love to sing and share my talents at church and with groups. And I love soaping, the farmer's markets, and the business I have built.  And of course, I love spending time with my family.  All these "loves" keep me going and going.  So I'm asking you for your advice. How do I find balance?  How do I get to enjoy all the things I love without all the chaotic business?  If you have found the answer will you share it with me?  

I ride down the road and I see couples sitting out on the porch, a glass of tea in their hand, enjoying the evening in quiet breezes.  And over and over my mind says, " I want to do that".  I need to make that happen even it is 4 evenings out of 7.  I'm just sharing my struggles and thought maybe some of you deal with the same stuff as me, and hoping I can find solutions for a better life balance.  Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!  Thank you and God Bless.    Jennifer