Business has been good this year despite the pandemic. I think more people are desiring to support local grass root businesses, while others are looking for simple ways to promote more joy within their daily routine. Whatever the reason, I am very thankful. I love meeting all the customers, their families, and their referrals. I love sharing my family's story of overcoming addiction and hardship with people at farmer's markets or craft events. I almost always get the same response, "that is really cool!" after sharing the reason I do what I do. I have met so many who have shared their story of having a loved one in addiction, and they are immediately connected to me and my products. Although I love the financial support that selling my products brings, I equally enjoy the friendships and connections that have been created as a result of selling my soaps and lotions. I had one lady come up to my table and she just stared at the different names of the soaps, never picking them up and smelling them, which was very unusual. She looked up and said "thank you for what you do" as tears welled up in her eyes. I knew immediately she had a family member in addiction. When I asked her about it she replied she had lost her daughter to an overdose last year. We just hugged as only mothers of addicted children could. We both understood the heartache without saying anything more.
I got the opportunity to share my story on a Facebook live for Heirloom Traditions Paint who have 500,000 followers. The main product being promoted was the Bug Repelling Goat Milk Lotion as I demonstrated the milking of the goats, and also told my story. As a result I received numerous emails from family members who have someone involved in drugs or alcohol. They experienced hope, restoration, and joy through that Facebook live, and for some, realized they are not alone in this battle. There's something very soothing about talking to another parent who knows the same pain without going into great detail. I want every family to keep praying, and NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!
So like I said in the beginning, business has been good this year. But the business of connecting with others to help support, listen, and pray has been the BEST! I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you need to talk to someone who has been there then I encourage you to call or email me. I want to connect with YOU! May God Bless you all and keep you safe. Jennifer